Daily Work
Autumn Jamboree, pastel on paper, 16.5 x 16.5 cm
I set myself objectives every day. These are usually vague and open-ended. That’s because the way I work is intuitive. Yesterday’s (and this morning’s) task was to set something up that used my flowers (they are dwindling), to draw an image that might be suitable for my annual holiday/Christmas card, and to make my best work that I might consider to submit for either Discerning Eye bursary or the Pastel Society open. This is too pink for December, although I think the basket of berries fits the bill and the reds and yellow work.
It’s interesting to look back on my work from a few years ago. It was much looser and I worked more quickly. It seems that I have ‘learned’ that my ‘best work’ takes longer and is more descriptive. Is that an outcome from my year as a New English Drawing Scholar?
What do you think about any of this?