Admin Tension
A few weeks ago, I met with some smart people at Parker Harris. Their advice was to get my website and online presence in order. I am reasonably techy so I wasn’t filled with dread, but after a week, chained to my desk, I am aching to begin painting and drawing again.
This peculiar Covid year has had the effect of making me even more in tune with nature. So, every time I have left my desk and passed my flowers I have been frustrated that I can’t pick a bouquet and begin something new. The flowers won’t last, but neither will my squarespace trial… I have three days left.
It’s been annoyingly fun to trawl through my semi-organised files of images to use to build my new website. I see things differently and ideas have been sparked. That’s been one of the little joys of this process. The decisions about how to order the big messy collection have been complicated.
I watched a few videos. One woman said her website was a ‘work in progress’ and that she always makes little tweaks. I understand how it all works now, from lots of trial and error – I wrote this blog once and it disappeared so have had to begin again, for example, so it’s a relief to know from now on it will evolve. If you have any suggestions, get in touch. I’d love to hear from you.
I’m just off to do a little drawing on a book page as a reward for mostly being done for the day. I’ll post it when it’s done!